Come in and see us!
Phone Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00-8:30
541-499-4706 to start protecting yourself!
DATE: JAN 18, 2025
TIME: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
WHERE: Stoneridge Tactical Training Center - Central Point
LIMITED TO 35 STUDENTS (First-Time Attendees Only)
All of our classes have been full already over 60 women signed up in each class! We've had to put up one final class this month to account for the tremendous demand. This class will fill up as well! Get your reservation in now! Do NOT wait until it fills up. Your registration opportunity is very limited for this class!
Pre-registration is required
Click the CLASS SIGNUP button above
FIGHT BACK! Don't be a victim. Learn about Sexual Assault Awareness! Brought to the Rogue Valley by Rogue Valley Krav Maga, Stoneridge Tactical, and Krav Maga Worldwide, this event will be full very quickly.
Complete defensive and rape prevention training specifically for women. One day of self defense techniques taught by a certified Krav Maga/Police Defensive Tactics/3rd degree black belt instructor. These techniques are taught by Israeli Defense Forces, law enforcement, and executive protection all over the world. These techniques are easy to perform and highly duplicatable by women of all ages and body types. This is the best training in the state of Oregon for women's defense.
WOMEN 14 AND OLDER WELCOME! (New attendees only)
Our last class was PACKED! It's Saturday!! PERFECT for ladies who work. Popular demand dictates! Plenty of time to plan!!! This class will push you to your limit. High-intensity, high-cardio, fast-paced, and real. Be ready to sweat. This will be the best thing you've ever done for yourself! If you missed the last one, you can make this one.
This course will count for 6 hours of continuing education geared toward self defense, empowerment, physical training, health, wellness, and other training required for your career or position at work. All women in attendance will receive a beautiful gold leaf certificate showing the hours trained, suitable for framing.
Chokes from the front
Chokes from the rear
Chokes with pushing
Wrist grabs
Bear hugs
Being held down
Baseball bats and sticks
Hair pulls
Knife attacks
Firearm attacks
Mounted attacks
Fighting on the ground
Multiple attackers
...and more!
How not to be a victim
Learn situational awareness
4 Rules of self defense
Optimize your space
Using available tools
Time is life
Recognizing and addressing the problem
Why knives are so dangerous
Being vocal
Escort techniques
Effective takedowns
Soft tissue targeting
Using hands without contact
Taking control of the assailant
Conflict Avoidance
Use of Force Continuum and Deadly Force
...and many more topics
Pre-registration is required
Register at www.stoneridgetactical/class-signup
or call 541-499-4706 to secure a spot!
You'll begin the class with basic understanding of the need for self defense competency and then we'll move into some hands-on demonstrations and learning of some of the wide variety of techniques you will learn to defend yourself. You'll work with partners and like-minded women to develop a knowledge of rape prevention and technique manipulation and then learn how to take that to the street for real. You will perform how you train. Mr. Cunningham will discuss, explain, demonstrate, and teach proper wrist, arm, and joint locking techniques, punches, blocks, parries, and evasion techniques that really work.
"Build confidence and self-empowerment when you find out how easy these techniques are to learn!"
You will then perform and master these techniques using partners portraying live assailants. Cool thing is, you get to actually bring these people into submission. These techniques are the same techniques used by law enforcement officers, elite special forces, and bodyguards all over the world. By the end of the day, you be working hard and fast with quick reaction time and significant power to overcome an assailant. You'll also learn various techniques and tips to maintain control in a situation that might escalate into a confrontation. Learn what signals the assailant gives prior to an attack that if qued in on, will give you the time and the upper hand to make it out alive.
The courses we offer for women are "what women want”. Nobody else in the state offers women's course as we do, specifically for women. Our head women's instructor, Elizabeth Cunningham, will be on site to talk about women's firearms training if you wish to take your training to the next level. No longer be intimidated or feel uncomfortable in classes YOU want to take!
Sign up right away as this course is only offered a few times a year. Pre-registration is required. Call 541-499-4706 to reserve your seat.
COST: FREE! (6-Hour Course)
T-shirt (tank tops are not recommended)
Hair ties
Tennis shoes
Sweat towel
Water or hydration in a closed contained to avoid spills
Lunch & Snacks
Pre-registration is required
Click the CLASS SIGNUP button above!